the beauty of mapping

Kode Iklan Disini

Saturday, April 24, 2021

The Safer Streets Of San Francisco

San Francisco is the latest metropolis to adopt a Vision Zero strategy. Vision Zero initiatives await at the causes of traffic accidents as well as where they most happen. They as well as hence implement policies to travail to brand those streets safer for pedestrians, cyclists as well as other route users.

On we've looked earlier at Vision Zero Boston and Vision Zero New York. In both these initiatives interactive maps were used to position the roads amongst the worst security records. They were too used to assistance inform earth nearly (and rail the progress of) the initiatives adopted past times both cites to brand these roads safer.

Interactive maps too play a large utilisation inwards Vision Zero San Francisco. The Vision Zero San Francisco Maps & Data page includes a seat out of maps. These include maps of the roads & intersections that convey been identified every bit having the worst security records, a map plotting 2016 route fatalities as well as maps showing pedestrian & cyclist collisions on the city's roads.

It too includes the Vision Zero Capital Improvement Projects map. This map shows the locations of the initiated projects designed to amend security on the city's roads. It too allows y'all to rail the progress existence made on these projects.