the beauty of mapping

Kode Iklan Disini

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Signs Of Luxembourg

The University of Grand Duchy of Luxembourg wants to map the linguistic landscape of Luxembourg. They desire to encounter how written languages are represented inwards populace spaces too how dissimilar kinds of signs, languages too lettering assistance to practise the linguistic landscape of a house or community.

They accept hence devised a citizen scientific discipline projection to assistance map the piece of occupation of dissimilar languages inwards signs throughout the country. They accept released an iOS too Android app which allows anyone to submit photographs of signs that they discovery anywhere inwards Luxembourg. These photographs are so plotted on the Lingscape map.

You tin assistance contribute to this report into the diverseness too dynamics of populace writing past times downloading the app from the Lingscape website. The projection is currently centered on the languages used inwards signs inwards Luxembourg, nevertheless the app volition piece of occupation inwards whatever province inwards the world.