the beauty of mapping

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Monday, October 24, 2022

Mapping Native Americans

Natives of North America is an interactive map of the Native American Nations. Obviously ane of the biggest problems inwards mapping Native American territories is that official boundaries betwixt the Nations did non be together with these territories were constantly shifting.

The map overcome this yesteryear creating largely artificial boundaries for the 500 roughly native peoples of North America. However the projection has been open-sourced inwards the promise that others volition practise to a greater extent than fluid maps, which volition occupation concern human relationship for crusade over fourth dimension together with for to a greater extent than fluid definitions of the boundaries betwixt the dissimilar Native American Nations.

The project's developer too hopes that the Natives of North America map volition live on improved to include links from each patch to data nigh the dissimilar Native American Nations.

The Invasion of America is an interactive map of Native American province cession betwixt 1776 together with 1887. During this menstruum the U.S. seized over 1.5 billion acres from the Native Americans.

The map includes a timeline which allows you lot to sentiment how the United States grew westwards yesteryear seizing Native American province through treaties together with executive orders. It is possible to search the map yesteryear private Indian Nation. If you lot click on a tract on the map you lot tin abide by out the Nation affected together with abide by links to the related treaty together with origin map overlays.