Google's online mapping course, Mapping amongst Google, has straight off started.
Mapping amongst Google starts today as well as continues until June 24th. Complete the shape as well as non exclusively volition y'all larn all most Google Maps as well as Google populace y'all volition too earn yourself a Google Maps Project certificate as well as / or a Google populace Project certificate.
The Google Map business office of the shape involves completing 3 units, each unit of measurement consisting of a reveal of activities. Unit i is genuinely simply a curt introduction to the course. Unit two is a full general introduction to closed to of the useful features of Google Maps. The unit of measurement involves searching as well as sharing links to Google Maps as well as learning all most directions on Google Maps.
Unit 3 genuinely involves making your ain maps using Google Maps Engine Lite. If y'all accept never used Maps Engine Lite the unit of measurement is a keen introduction into how to import information into Google Maps Engine as well as how to practice good designed as well as nicely styled maps.