the beauty of mapping

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Friday, November 12, 2021

Where To Sentry The Globe Cup

If you lot can't locomote to Brazil to lookout the World Cup inwards mortal in addition to thus your side past times side best bet is to lookout the games on TV alongside other fans inwards a lively pub or bar. If you lot are going to lookout a game inwards a bar in addition to thus you lot volition belike desire to lookout it inwards a bar pop alongside fans of ane of the teams genuinely playing.

Luckily for New Yorkers the New York Times has released a handy map to notice bars screening the World Cup. Where to Watch the World Cup inwards New York is a Leaflet map of roughly of the best venues inwards New York where you lot tin strength out lookout World Cup games. The map includes a carte that lets you lot conduct a squad in addition to sentiment the best bars to lookout that squad alive on TV.

The map uses the same groovy polygon knockout termination used past times the New York Times inwards its 101 Places to Find Great Coffee inwards New York. If you lot desire to exercise a like looking map I late wrote a short explanation almost how to replicate the pattern of this map agency alongside the Google Maps API.