the beauty of mapping

Kode Iklan Disini

Thursday, November 4, 2021

The Google Maps Tweetbot

Tweet a transit inquiry to this Google Maps based road finder together with yous volition have a link to a Google Map that automagically displays your route.

Plan Paris Metro interactif industrial plant actually good equally a traditional Paris Metro road finder. You tin sack travel into whatever 2 destinations into the application together with sentiment a suggested road shown on a Google Map, You too travel out step-by-step directions explaining how to compete your journey.

What I similar best close this map silent is the amazing Tweetbot characteristic that allows yous to asking a road via Twitter. Post a message on Twitter to '@vasyenmetro' together with advert 2 Metro stations together with yous volition automatically have a respond including a link to your suggested route. Messages necessitate to endure submitted inward the flat '@vasyenmetro station1/station2' e.g. '@vasyenmetro hakeim/blanc'.