the beauty of mapping

Kode Iklan Disini

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Labels Inward The Map Border

LIMBs is a Javascript Library that allows yous to rail the place of map markers inwards the border of the map fifty-fifty when the user pans away from the place of the marker.

If yous add together LIMBs to a Google Map when the user pans the map the mark icon sticks to the border of the map to human activeness every bit a visual lead dorsum to the marker's place on the map. Lots of businesses operate the Google Maps API to render a 'How to Find Us' map. With LIMBS added to the map if a user moves the map (e.g. to uncovering the nearest station) a mark volition display inwards the map border to human activeness every bit a visual lead dorsum to the business.

You tin persuasion a exhibit of LIMBs inwards activeness here and the code is available at Sourceforge.