the beauty of mapping

Kode Iklan Disini

Monday, November 8, 2021

Hannibal's Invasion Of Rome

Over the weekend I posted almost a fiddling JourneyMap library I had written for the Leaflet mapping platform using Waypoints.js.

I decided it mightiness hold upward useful to furnish to a greater extent than or less other demonstration map, this fourth dimension mapping a existent journey. Hannibal's Journey uses the JourneyMap library to narrate through the history of Hannibal's defeat of the Romans. To progress through the map only scroll downward the page. The map volition automatically update to demo the locations mentioned inward the the history.

If you lot desire to practice your ain JourneyMap alongside the Leaflet mapping platform experience gratis to reuse the root code of Hannibal's Journey inward whatever agency that you lot want.