The United Kingdom of Great Britain together with Northern Ireland of Britain together with Northern Republic of Ireland Data Explorer is a perennial favorite on Google . In the yesteryear nosotros convey featured the Data Explorer's maps of United Kingdom of Great Britain together with Northern Ireland of Britain together with Northern Republic of Ireland regime data. These convey included maps visualising Deprivation inwards London, Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation, Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation together with Renewable Electricity Sites.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain together with Northern Ireland of Britain together with Northern Republic of Ireland Data Explorer has at i time released a novel educate of interactive maps that visualise the 2011 United Kingdom of Great Britain together with Northern Ireland of Britain together with Northern Republic of Ireland census. There is a map for each percentage inwards England together with an overall map of England. These maps let the user to explore a large make of demographic together with socio-economic information sets yesteryear census tract for the whole of the UK.
This UK's Office for National Statistics has every bit good released a release of maps exploring the United Kingdom of Great Britain together with Northern Ireland of Britain together with Northern Republic of Ireland 2011 Census. These include a prissy Google Map comparison information from the 2011 census amongst the 2001 census.
The Census Map allows users to stance population together with historic menses information from the 2011 census together with compare the results amongst the information from the 2001 census. The visualisation uses 2 Google Maps placed side-by-side. Different variables from the census information tin locomote selected from a drop-down menu.
If the user selects a census tract on either map they tin hence stance a breakdown of the census results inwards a drop-down table, comparison the 2011 together with 2001 census returns.