the beauty of mapping

Kode Iklan Disini

Sunday, October 31, 2021

The S African Point Map

Dot maps of the USA, showing population distribution past times race accept proved real pop recently. For example, the Racial Dot Map of America is a fascinating insight into the geographic distribution, population density, too racial multifariousness inward the USA.

South Africa directly has its ain racial point distribution map. Mapping South Africa amongst Dot Distribution shows racial distribution across South Africa too equally good the kickoff languages spoken, based on information from the 2011 South African census.

Zooming into a metropolis on the map reveals how the legacy of apartheid is a nation yet divided geographically too socially past times race. Adam Frith, the creator of the map has equally good created a like map based on the 2001 census data. Depressingly, comparison the 2001 too 2011 maps over again reveals that the stride of racial integration appears to hold upwardly moving real tardily inward South Africa.