the beauty of mapping

Kode Iklan Disini

Thursday, October 21, 2021

The Happy Novel Twelvemonth Twitter Map

This New Year's Eve yous tin shipping away spotter the basis celebrate for 24 hours, from Australia to Hawaii, on the #happynewyear tweetmap.

The #happynewyear tweetmap is a Google Map displaying Twitter messages some the basis containing the hashtag 'happynewyear'. You don't fifty-fifty bring to facial expression until New Year's Eve to catch the map every 2d people some the basis are already wishing each other a happy novel year.

The map uses a bully marking clustering solution that shows the break of Twitter messages at unlike locations. You tin shipping away zoom inwards on the map to sentiment the private markers. You tin shipping away too sentiment all the posted Tweets every 2d a oestrus map to run across where inwards the basis Twitter users are posting the nearly 'happy novel year' messages.

The site too includes a break of continually updating statistics on the break of #happynewyear Tweets sent some the basis too the break of those Tweets that are geo-tagged.