Step dorsum inwards fourth dimension amongst this Norwegian map of historical photographs. Tids Maskinen (Time Machine) is a Google Map which allows yous to browse vintage photos of Kingdom of Norway yesteryear location together with date.
The marketplace pose for interactive maps of vintage photos is dominated yesteryear the pop Historypin. However Tids Maskinen is a really nicely designed map. It's really uncomplicated interface makes Tids Maskinen really slow to browse. The search bar at the pinnacle of the map allows yous to search the vintage photos yesteryear location together with the time-line allows yous to filter the photos shown yesteryear date.
Where Historypin wins out is inwards the integration of Street View. Historypin allows yous to sentiment the submitted vintage photos overlaid on pinnacle of the sentiment depicted on Google Maps Street View. Tids Maskinen does convey Street View available on the map. However if yous desire to explore the sentiment depicted inwards whatever of the vintage pictures yous demand to zoom inwards on its map marker, drib Pegman onto the map together with endeavor to detect the sentiment yourself.