the beauty of mapping

Kode Iklan Disini

Monday, July 19, 2021

Where's Voldemort?

CartoCSS inwards Mapbox Studio includes a handy alternative to supplant town names on your map amongst whatsoever text of your choice. I idea that I could utilisation this alternative to alter some random towns on my Harry Potter themed map amongst names used inwards J.K. Rowling's serial of novels. For example,
[name_en='Bracknell'] {
    text-name: '"Little Whinging"';
turns the cite of the town of Bracknell inwards England to 'Little Whinging'.

It hence occurred to me that I could utilisation this purpose to add together textual clues to the map together with practise a lilliputian treasure hunt. For example,
[name_en='Alnwick'] {
    text-name: '"Hogwarts (search inwards Budleigh Salterton)"';
changes the town cite of Alnwick to 'Hogwarts' together with likewise provides a clue to the map user that they should search inwards 'Budleigh Salterton'.

By adding a publish of textual clues to my Harry Potter themed map I convey been able to practise a lilliputian Where's Voldemort map. Follow the clues on the map together with y'all tin help Harry Potter respect the place of 'he who can't live on named'.

The clues are really tardily (to live on honest they aren't actually clues at all only uncomplicated instructions). When I larn some fourth dimension I powerfulness assay to intend upwardly some riddles to solve inwards lodge to brand this treasure hunt a lilliputian harder. For straightaway the map tin live on viewed equally an instance of how y'all tin practise a map treasure hunt game using Mapbox Studio.

My Harry Potter themed map manner is near completely copied from Mapbox's novel Lord of the Rings map style. All I've actually changed is the map font together with town shields (switched from the 'one ring' to a wizard's hat).

I've likewise added a publish of map markers to the map, which present some of the United Kingdom of Great Britain together with Northern Ireland of Britain together with Northern Republic of Ireland locations used inwards the Harry Potter serial of films. I tweaked the Leaflet.js css manner a lilliputian on the map to render a transparent edge some the mark pop-ups. In my imagination this equates to Harry Potter's cloak of invisibility.