the beauty of mapping

Kode Iklan Disini

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Mapping The Us Overdose Epidemic

The USA is experiencing a drug overdose epidemic. Drug overdose deaths convey to a greater extent than than doubled inwards the final 15 years. The effort for a lot of these overdose deaths appears to hold upwards the heavy marketing of powerful prescription painkillers past times the pharmaceutical industry.

The Guardian has illustrated the rising publish of drug overdose deaths inwards the USA amongst an animated choropleth map, which shows the publish of overdose deaths at county grade from 1999-2014. The map uses information from the Centers for Disease Control together with Prevention.

A Deadly Crisis: Mapping the Spread of America's Drug Overdose Epidemic appears to hold upwards a custom made choropleth map, which uses Ractive.js to animate through the xv years of data. The animated choropleth layer is really effective inwards visualizing the dramatic increase inwards overdose deaths across the United States.

The Guardian article includes a publish of smaller animated choropleth maps to illustrate the rising inwards overdose deaths inwards a publish of specific states. The animations inwards these smaller maps is slowed downwards a little, which helps to visualize the spread of overdose deaths past times county inwards each of the highlighted states.