PBS has created an interactive map which provides a groovy introduction to the 2016 presidential candidates together with to USA presidential elections. The map is tracking the movements of the 2016 presidential candidates. It likewise contains biographical portraits of each of the candidates, election events taking house across the province together with a host of interesting election facts nearly every state.
The Meet the Candidates map shows the 'last seen' place of each of the candidates (although I don't know how ofttimes it is updated equally Jeb Bush is all the same shown equally a candidate). The candidates' electrical flow locations are shown on the map amongst fiddling photograph markers. If yous click on a marking yous tin sentiment a biographical portrait of the selected candidate.
Election events are likewise displayed on the map for every state. If yous choose a province on the map yous tin likewise larn nearly how many electoral votes it has together with a fiddling to a greater extent than nearly the state's history.