the beauty of mapping

Kode Iklan Disini

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Mapping Novel York's Economy

The Association for Neighborhood together with Housing Development has mapped out the economical evolution indicators for each New York neighborhood. What Does Your Neighborhood Economy Look Like? is an interactive map which shows the economical wellness of New York's neighborhoods for a seat out of telephone substitution indicators.

The map includes a seat out of economical indicator layers. The initial 'total risk' layer shows the combined 'risk to opportunity' grade for each neighborhood based on xix economical factors. These include indicators such equally poverty rates, graduation rates, evolution dollars spent etc.

The 'visible layers' carte du jour at the summit of the map allows y'all to thought the scores for to a greater extent than or less of the private economical indicators, these include Income & Benefits, Banking & Access, Education together with Employment together with Community & Infrastructure.