the beauty of mapping

Kode Iklan Disini

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Mapping The Keen Burn Downward Of London

350 years agone on September sec 1666 the Great Fire of London began inwards a bakery on Pudding Lane. By September fifth the lavatory had destroyed 13,200 houses, 87 parish churches together with St Paul's Cathedral. The BBC has created an interactive map together with the diary entries of Samuel Pepys to recount the 4 days when London burned.

Retrace Samuel Pepys' Steps inwards the Great Fire of London shows the extent of the lavatory inwards red. The orangish lines exhibit the estimate extent of the lavatory on each day. The grayed out expanse shows the estimate border of London inwards the 17th Century. The map sidebar contains Pepys' diary entries almost the fire, inwards chronological order. If yous click on the headline for each entry yous tin sentiment Pepys' place for that entry on the map.

The BBC map besides includes a disclose of other markers highlighting of import buildings which survived the lavatory together with a disclose of images of London inwards the 17th Century. The map tiles together with labels bring been styled to hand the map a suitably vintage feel. However, if I had made this map, I would bring used an master copy 17th Century map or at to the lowest degree given the user the selection to sentiment an historical map equally a map overlay or layer.