the beauty of mapping

Kode Iklan Disini

Monday, April 5, 2021

Mapping Global Migration Data

Global Migration Data maps migration patterns unopen to the globe on a 3D globe. The map shows the position out of migrants to together with from each dry soil together with which countries they traveled to or from. The information comes from the United Nations Dept of Economic & Social Affairs for the years 1990, 2000, 2010 together with 2013.

Global Migration Data is really slowly to use. Simply conduct a dry soil from the drop-down menu. You tin therefore conduct to stance either inbound or outbound migration for your chosen country. The time-line at the bottom of the map allows y'all to conduct which year's migration information y'all wishing to visualize on the globe.

The 3D globe shows the spatial patterns of migration, visualizing which countries unopen to the globe migrants traveled to or from for your selected country. The dashboard below the map shows the full position out of migrants (inbound or outbound depending on your electrical current choice) together with the position out of countries migrants are from or the position out of countries migrants moved to.