Every yr TeleGeography creates a novel global undersea cable map. TeleGeography's Submarine Cable Map 2015 was a peculiarly wonderful map. The 2015 map was inspired past times medieval in addition to renaissance cartography in addition to featured some wonderful map edge illustrations in addition to fifty-fifty a seat out of beautifully drawn body of body of water monsters.
For the 2016 edition of its Submarine Cable Map TeleGeography has designed a much to a greater extent than modern looking in addition to data rich map. The top dog map shows 321 undersea cable systems to a greater extent than or less the world, spell a seat out of smaller inset maps describe some of the world's busiest landing stations.
Countries on the map are colored to demo how many submarine cable arrangement links are connected to each country. Infographics along the bottom of the map render additional data on the capacity of the major global cable routes to a greater extent than or less the world.
The Submarine Cable Map 2016 is for sure non equally much fun equally the 2015 edition. However TeleGeography's latest map does render a lot to a greater extent than data almost the world's submarine cable networks in addition to is consequently a lot to a greater extent than informative.