the beauty of mapping

Kode Iklan Disini

Monday, March 29, 2021

Mapping The Japanese Regional Economy

The Japanese Municipal Economy Map uses information from the 2010 census to visualize the economical wellness of every Japanese municipality.

The map presents a choropleth persuasion of each municipality's economical divergence grade based on an average of 50. If you lot hover over a municipality on the map you lot tin persuasion the municipality's grade as well as a breakdown of its grade for each of 8 primal economical indices.

The bar charts showing the 8 indices include a overnice bounce animation when they kickoff appear. The map makes skillful role of d3.js for both sorting the information as well as for creating the bar nautical chart animations. Unfortunately the map has been develop to a max tiptop of 100%, which agency on my laptop at least, I tin solely persuasion the scores for 4 of the primal indices, without the alternative to scroll downwardly the page to persuasion the hidden scores.