the beauty of mapping

Kode Iklan Disini

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Who Voted To Piece Of Employment Out The Eu

Yesterday the Great Britain voted to larn out the European Union. The immediate upshot has seen the Prime Minister denote his intended resignation too mayhem inward the markets.

The interactive maps emerging inward the primary broadsheets this morn advise that exterior of London, Scotland, Northern Republic of Ireland too a few major cities nearly of the province voted to larn out the EU. It likewise appears that the vote to larn out was won yesteryear those voters who are facing the brunt of the government's austerity programme.

The Guardian has used a cartogram to illustrate how dissimilar areas voted inward the European Union referendum. On the map each electoral portion has been sized yesteryear population. The upshot is a map which distorts the geography of the Great Britain only to a greater extent than accurately reflects the pose out of votes variety for each side inward the election.

Outside of London, Scotland, Northern Republic of Ireland too a few major cities the bulk of the province voted to larn out the EU. The Guardian has examined the demographics of each local expanse authority, exploring didactics levels, historic catamenia too median income. These demographic graphs color each local authorization based on whether a bulk voted to larn out or rest inward the EU.

The graphs clearly present nearly of the areas that voted to larn out are poorer, accept less sense of higher didactics too tend to accept an older population. Conversely it seems that rest voters were to a greater extent than probable to last richer, younger too accept sense of higher education.

The Times has created a hexagon grid map to visualize the European Union plebiscite result. Each local authorization is colored to present how the expanse voted. Each color is likewise shaded to present the delineate of the larn out or rest vote inward each local authorization area. The darker the yellowish or blueish too thence the higher the vote for larn out or remain.

This shading of the hexagons reveals or thence interesting results inward London, where it appears that boroughs amongst higher median average incomes accept voted to a greater extent than strongly to rest than the poorer outer boroughs. So fifty-fifty inward areas which voted to rest inward the European Union it appears that those on lower incomes were to a greater extent than probable to accept voted larn out than those on higher incomes.