the beauty of mapping

Kode Iklan Disini

Friday, February 26, 2021

The Geography Of Hip-Hop

The Geography of Hip-Hop is an interactive map documenting the history too geography of hip-hop. The map (and accompanying essay) explore how hip-hop has spread unopen to the basis too how unlike cites bring developed their ain distinct sounds too styles of hip-hop.

The interactive hip-hop map allows y'all to browse too head to hip-hop music yesteryear location. The map features 955 songs, most of which y'all tin rank the axe head to conduct from the map. The size of the markers on the map reflects the pose out of artists featured from that location. In this agency y'all tin rank the axe decease a fossil oil persuasion close the size of the hip-hop communities inward these unlike urban locations.

By listening to the songs listed inward 1 metropolis y'all may commence to decease a experience for the audio too mode of hip-hop from that location. You tin rank the axe larn to a greater extent than close the evolution of hip-hop inward the accompanying essay, The Syncopated Geography of Hip-Hop. The attempt explores the influence of geography on the communities & local styles too how hip-hop music reflects the influence of the unlike urban locales where it is made.