the beauty of mapping

Kode Iklan Disini

Friday, February 19, 2021

Mapping The History Of The World Population

In the twelvemonth one C.E. the population of planet populace was closed to 170 million. It is expected to hit 10 billion past times the twelvemonth 2100. You tin mail away explore the history of this world-wide population increase from one C.E. to 2050 on World Population : An Interactive Experience.

World Population : An Interactive Experience is a populace map as well as timeline which visualizes global population trends over the terminal ii K years. The map itself shows locations throughout history where to a greater extent than than one meg people convey lived. The map besides includes a wealth of information virtually historical landmarks of import to population trends. This information includes historical developments inwards science, nutrient production, health, the environs as well as inwards human society.

The timeline running along the bottom of the map allows y'all to explore the information past times year. Select a twelvemonth from the timeline as well as y'all tin mail away run across where the major centers of human population as well as the of import historical developments of the selected year

As good equally the interactive map the World Population History website includes didactics resources for 6 dissimilar lessons virtually populace population growth. These lessons include didactics plans as well as pupil resources.