In the Middle East together with North Africa ISIS is non exclusively attempting to destroy lives together with communities it is equally good targeting many cultural together with historical artifacts inwards an endeavour to destroy cultural histories which neglect to adjust to their narrow interpretation of the Koran. These attacks convey targeted of import historical sites together with artifacts of Muslims, Christians together with many other ethnic groups.
Mapping Culture Under Threat is an endeavour yesteryear the Antiquities Coalition to map the hundreds of cultural together with historical sites destroyed yesteryear ISIS inwards its arrive at of cultural cleansing. The Antiquities Collection has identified over 230 sites that convey been deliberately targeted or destroyed yesteryear ISIS together with other extremist groups, including pregnant monuments from the ancient, Greco-Roman, Islamic, together with modern periods.
The map shows heritage sites which convey been attacked, targeted or destroyed, using cherry round out markers. The map equally good shows the locations of UNESCO Worlds Heritage & Tentative List sites. The oestrus map layer shows areas which are nether the straight off command of terrorist groups or which are threatened yesteryear areas they convey been occupied betwixt Jan together with Oct 2015.