the beauty of mapping

Kode Iklan Disini

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Alaska's Shrinking Glaciers

Nearly all of North America's glaciers are inwards retreat. The charge per unit of measurement of retreat has increased speedily over the final few decades as well as overall each decade sees greater rates of retreat than the preceding one. The National Park Traveler has released an interactive floor map, Glaciers inwards Alaska's National Parks: Monitoring Change, which examines the loss of Alaska's shrinking glaciers.

The map uses satellite imagery to demonstrate the modern make of each of the featured glaciers. Orange overlays are used on the map to demonstrate the glacier's historic extent. U.S. Geological Survey topographic maps were used to produce upwardly one's hear the glaciers' extent inwards the mid-20th century. The historical extent of the glaciers is so hold upwardly compared to the extent of the glaciers inwards the 21st Century, every bit calculated from the close recent satellite imagery.

Alaska Ice: Documenting Glaciers on the Move is around other Esri Story Map which uses satellite imagery as well as comparisons of modern & vintage photographs to document Alaska's shrinking glaciers.

The primary focus of the map is the U.S. Geological Survey's Repeat Photography initiative. USGS has been comparing modern photographs of Alaskan glaciers amongst historical photos, both amongst the same plain of view. The photographs are compared to document as well as sympathize the changes to glaciers resulting from the changing climate.

The Alaska Ice floor map visits xiv glaciers inwards the U.S. state. Each glacier tin hold upwardly viewed on a satellite map as well as a modern as well as historical photograph of each glacier is compared inwards the map sidebar. Of the xiv mapped Alaskan glaciers solely 2 are yet advancing.

Timelapse - aerial imagery of the Mendenhall Glacier inwards 1991 & 2012

Another interesting agency to evidence the loss of glaciers is amongst Google Timelapse. Timelapse allows you lot to compare aerial imagery over fourth dimension for whatsoever place on Earth. You tin thence come inwards the cite of whatsoever glacier into Timelapse as well as discovery the effects of global warming for yourself.

Timelapse provides links to the Shirase Glacier as well as the Columbia Glacier simply you lot tin purpose the search box to locate whatsoever glacier. You tin thence purpose Timelapse to search for whatsoever of Alaska's glaciers as well as discovery the highlighted loss of each glacier for yourself, using Timelapse's historical aerial imagery.