the beauty of mapping

Kode Iklan Disini

Friday, January 22, 2021

Where To Alive Inward Italy

Every yr national paper Il Sole 24 Ore ranks the lineament of life inwards all of Italy's 107 provinces, This yr the paper has every bit good released an interactive cartogram which allows y'all to explore the newspaper's rankings for each province.

The Quality of Life map allows y'all to explore the newspaper's lineament of life rankings for 5 dissimilar categories. these include: measure of living, gratis fourth dimension together with employment. You tin purpose the frontward together with dorsum buttons to sentiment cartograms for each of the 5 criteria inwards turn. Alternatively y'all tin purpose the slide controls to weight each of the 5 criteria whatever agency that y'all desire together with and then sentiment the resulting cartogram.

The Per Capita Income of Italian Citizens map provides a stark visualization of the disparity inwards incomes that are earned inwards Italy's industrial due north together with to a greater extent than rural south.

The map shows the average yearly incomes of wage earners inwards each Italian commune. The map shows a clear north-south split inwards how much Italians earn. If y'all mouse-over an private commune on the map y'all tin sentiment the exact average per capita income for the area.