The Urban Big Data Centre has released an interactive map visualizing cycling together with running information inwards the Scottish metropolis of Glasgow, The map uses information from users of the Strava running together with cycling tracking application to present the well-nigh pop places for cycling together with jogging.
Glasgow inwards Motion allows y'all to lead either cycling or running / walking together with stance an animated map showing the well-nigh pop routes used past times Strava users. As the animated timeline plays y'all tin uncovering non alone the well-nigh pop places for cycling & running inwards the metropolis only too the well-nigh busy hours of the 24-hour interval together with days of the week, The map too includes atmospheric condition information then y'all tin uncovering how dissimilar atmospheric condition conditions outcome the popularity of cycling together with running.
It is interesting to run into how cycling together with running activeness changes through the variety of a 24-hour interval together with on dissimilar days of the week. For illustration this fourth dimension chemical component division allows y'all to uncovering pop commuting routes for cyclists. However the map doesn't include an pick to stance a heatmapvisualization of the overall information inwards i go. This would furnish an interesting overview of the well-nigh pop cycling together with running locations inwards the metropolis for all Strava users.