the beauty of mapping

Kode Iklan Disini

Monday, December 14, 2020

Boston Underwater

Climate Ready Boston is an inaugural past times the City of Boston to assistance attain the metropolis for hereafter climate change. As business office of this inaugural the metropolis has released an interactive map showing the areas of the metropolis most at peril from flooding in addition to extreme heat.

This novel Map Explorer features spatial information from Climate Ready Boston. It also includes  population demographic information hence that the social deport upon of climate alter on Boston tin survive ameliorate understood. Users tin select the flooding, extreme estrus in addition to social vulnerability layers which they want to persuasion on the map from the 'Layers' tab. If yous click on the map yous tin persuasion information nearly the source information for that location. More information nearly the information is available nether the 'Details' tab.

One argue Boston is at peril from ascent ocean levels is that much of the metropolis is province reclaimed from the sea. Mapbox has created an interesting visualization of how Boston's footprint has changed through history every bit to a greater extent than in addition to to a greater extent than landfill projects were undertaken inwards the city. Coastlines of Boston provides ii dissimilar historical views of Boston, every bit it looked inwards 1788 in addition to 1898, in addition to allows yous to compare these views to the map of Boston today.

The Coastlines of Boston map was created past times importing vintage maps of Boston into Mapbox Studio in addition to and then drawing to a greater extent than or less the historical coastlines. Once the coastlines were traced they were in addition to then saved every bit a map tileset. You tin read to a greater extent than nearly how Coastlines of Boston map was created on the Mapbox blog.

If yous are interested inwards exploring Boston's changing coastline for yourself on former historical maps in addition to then yous should cheque out Mapjunction. Bill Warner's impressive vintage map explorer allows yous to compare former vintage maps of Boston side-by-side using an interactive mapping interface.

The vintage maps available seem to appointment dorsum every bit far every bit 1873. When yous pan or motion the map to a novel place the available historical maps for the electrical flow map persuasion are automatically loaded into the map layer carte du jour (move the map to New York in addition to yous tin vintage maps of New York instead). Simply select whatever ii maps from the map layer menus to persuasion them side-by-side.