the beauty of mapping

Kode Iklan Disini

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Xkcd Cartography

XKCD #2067 2018 Midterm Challengers is an interactive map of all the challengers inwards the 2018 midterm election. The size of the politicians' names on the map is determined yesteryear the importance of the purpose too the challenger's chances of success.

If yous click on a challenger's advert on the map yous tin watch the candidate's website. You tin besides click on place-names on the map to persuasion a location's Wikipedia page. The place-name information on the map has been sourced from Wikipedia. This makes for some interesting place-names, for event at that topographic point is a house called 'Port Chicago Disaster' inwards Sacramento, a '1951 NFL Championship Game' inwards Los Angeles too a 'Death of John Lennon' inwards New York.

Despite these foreign results from Wikipedia the map is withal a peachy visualization of the most of import races inwards side yesteryear side week's election.

This isn't Randall Munroe's outset corporation into mapping on XKCD. In fact XKCD is required reading for all students of cartography. It tin learn yous well-nigh Map Projections
 is an interactive map of all the challengers inwards the  XKCD Cartography

XKCD tin learn yous why America's Favorite Halloween Candy map is rubbish (XKCD: State Word).

XKCD besides has an of import lesson on why normalizing your information is really of import (XKCD Heatmap).

XKCD #1110 Click & Drag isn't a map merely the final frame does resemble an interactive map inwards too hence far every bit yous tin click & drag the frame or too hence similar a slippy map. If yous click on the final frame yous tin notice a really huge globe lies beyond the frame's borders. In fact, thank yous to dividuum, yous tin truly explore this frame inwards a Leaflet powered interactive map.