the beauty of mapping

Kode Iklan Disini

Saturday, October 3, 2020

A Toponym Map Of Berwickshire

Packs of wolves ane time hunted inward the forests of Berwickshire. The wolves accept long gone merely they accept left their score inward the county inward the cite of a minor stream,which is called Wolfcleugh Burn (a cleugh is a narrow gorge or chasm amongst high rocky sides).

The University of Glasgow's Berwickshire Place-Name Resource allows y'all to explore too larn to a greater extent than near the names of villages, towns too other locations inward the Scottish Borders county of Berwickshire. The resources volition live on of special involvement into anyone who is interested inward toponyms too the definitions too meanings of former British place-names.

The Place-Name Resource allows y'all to search for place-names inward the county using a disclose of dissimilar methods. You tin search for place-names alphabetically. Alternatively y'all tin search using a string (for event entering '*hall' to respect all place-names ending ....hall). You tin likewise search using the chemical constituent glossary which allows y'all to search yesteryear dissimilar mutual elements industrial plant life inward Berwickshire place-names.

Once y'all accept completed a search of the Berwickshire Place-Name Resource y'all tin stance the results on an interactive map. Clicking on an private marking on this map volition opened upward an information window providing details on the selected location. These details include its entry inward the OS Name Book. If y'all are interested inward the pregnant of a place-name thence the 'elements' department allows y'all to stance a Definition (where available) of whatever unfamiliar parts of the place-name. For event both Kimmerghame (cow's bridge) too Birgham (a settlement beside a bridge) incorporate derivations of 'brycg' - which agency bridge.