the beauty of mapping

Kode Iklan Disini

Sunday, August 9, 2009

South Africa's Election Point Density Map

H5N1 brace of year's agone Adrian Frith created a racial point density map of South Africa. He has directly created a point density map of the 2014 South African full general election. The Election Dot Density Map 2014 contains 1 point for every South African voter. The dots on the map are colored past times the political political party voted for as well as placed randomly inside the voting district.

It is actually interesting comparison Adrian Frith's ii point density maps to discover how closely voting for the unlike South African political parties correlates alongside racial distribution. Adrian's Mapping South Africa alongside Dot Distribution map shows racial distribution across South Africa as well as besides the outset languages spoken, based on information from the 2011 South African census.

In Johannesburg (voting distribution pictured at the pinnacle - racial distribution above) you lot tin encounter a clear correlation betwixt the racial distribution as well as the political parties most supported inward voting districts. Soweto stands out on the racial distribution map every bit an expanse populated most entirely past times dark Africans. In 2014 the district showed overwhelming back upward for the ANC.

Comparing the ii maps besides reveals that the districts alongside the highest white populations tended to exhibit the most back upward for the Democratic Alliance.

H5N1 like designing tin live on seen inward Capetown. The districts alongside an most entirely dark African population had past times far the most ANC voters. The Democratic Alliance was most pop inward districts alongside the highest white population as well as besides seemed to create good inward voting districts alongside a large mixed race population.