In my childhood jellied eels were a reasonably mutual role of the diet inwards East London. You tin flame all the same discovery a few Pie, Mash too Jellied Eel shops dotted to a greater extent than or less the East End. However cafes that sell jellied eels are immediately a much rarer sight inwards the East End too the consumption of eels has largely gone out of fashion.
The demise of eels equally a staple of the English linguistic communication diet is on the facial expression upward of it really odd. For centuries eels create got been a inexpensive too nutritious nutrient source, readily eaten past times the English. In fact for centuries eels were then much a role of the diet that many landlords would bring rent inwards the bird of eels. This isn't equally foreign equally it sounds. In pre-industrial times rents were oftentimes paid inwards livestock, fish, ale or other types of foods. Eels were so no less foreign a method of receiving or paying rent than whatever other mutual goods or produce.
You tin flame larn to a greater extent than near eel rents on the fascinating Eel-Rents Project. This projection includes an interactive map which shows where the cite of eel rents tin flame live flora inwards master copy documents from the belatedly tenth Century through the 15th Century. On the maps the number of eels mentioned inwards the rent is represented past times the size of the marking too the color of these marking indicates the century of the historical record.
The map comes amongst a banker's complaint of caution that this isn't a consummate tape of eel rents but simply a map of where they create got been revealed past times surviving historical records. Therefore the cluster that seems to be to a greater extent than or less the Cambridgeshire fens may simply live a number of where the historical tape has best survived. Or it may reverberate the fact that eels were i time plentiful inwards the fens too were a staple role of the local diet for thousands of years. In fact eels are then much a role of the civilization of the fens that they fifty-fifty named i of their most of import cities 'Ely'.