Every calendar month Morning Consult maps President Trump's approving ratings. In September Trump exclusively had a internet positive approving rating inward eighteen states. In the other 32 states the president has a negative approving rating.
All the states on the Tracking Trump interactive map are colored to demo the score of Trump's internet approving rating. If yous click on a acre yous tin sentiment a nautical chart showing the percent of voters inward the acre who approve together with disapprove of the president for every calendar month since January 2017. The map likewise includes a timeline command which allows yous to sentiment Trump's internet approving rating inward each acre over time.
The latest view, for September, definitely seems to demo to a greater extent than states showing to a greater extent than disapproval for the President. This may advise that Trump's appeals to unusual countries to crusade to discovery dirt on his opponents has had a negative final result on his standing. Of the eighteen states where Trump nevertheless shows a internet positive approving rating 5 of them exclusively convey a internet approving rating of 1 or 2%. It volition last interesting to come across which agency these v states swing equally the impeachment of the president continues.

FiveThirtyEight's How Popular is Donald Trump likewise tracks the president's approving rating over time. Their latest approving rating has Trump on 41.6%. After 992 days the exclusively president to convey a lower approving rating was Jimmy Carter. Carter failed to win a minute term. However it is likewise truthful that Trump, subsequently 992 days, is exclusively only over a percent indicate lower than Barack Obama was at the same phase of his presidency (42.9%). Obama did larn on to win a minute term.
President Trump's figures are similar on other approving rating averages. Real Clear Politics has the publish of those approving of Trump on 43% together with those disapproving on 54%. The Huffington Post Pollster has the president on 43.1% approve together with 50.9% disapprove.