Around 46 i thou 1000 turkeys are eaten every Thanksgiving. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 large proportion of those turkeys come upward from Minnesota, North Carolina, Arkansas, as well as Indiana. There is a real large adventure that your sweetness potatoes come upward from North Carolina. The province grows to a greater extent than than one-half of all America's sweetness murphy crop.
If you lot desire to know to a greater extent than close the geography of your Thanksgiving repast as well as therefore you lot should explore Esri's Mapping the Thanksgiving Harvest. This interactive map shows where your turkey, cranberries, sweetness potatoes, potatoes, greenish beans, brussels sprouts, pumpkins as well as pecans were reared or grown.

What you lot genuinely consume for your traditional Thanksgiving repast volition also go influenced past times geography. For illustration if you lot alive inwards the due north or due west as well as therefore you lot volition likely accept cranberry sauce amongst your turkey; piece those who alive inwards the southern states volition to a greater extent than oft than non go enjoying sweetness murphy casserole. Nearly everyone volition go eating turkey. But how you lot attain your turkey tin laissez passer the sack also go shaped past times where you lot live. Tell me if your turkey is smoked, roasted or fried as well as I tin laissez passer the sack likely tell you lot if you lot come upward from the mid-west, the due east coast or California.
If you lot desire to know to a greater extent than close how where you lot alive shapes your Thanksgiving carte du jour as well as therefore you lot should advert to the LA Times. The Los Angeles Times has used information from Google to attain upward one's hear the Thanksgiving foods searched for inwards dissimilar regions of the United States. You tin laissez passer the sack read the results of their analysis inwards What volition go on your Thanksgiving plate? It depends on where you’ll be. The article includes a picayune tool which tin laissez passer the sack demo you lot the Thanksgiving foods that are most searched for inwards whatever state.

Of assort earlier sitting downward to a Thanksgiving repast on Th many Americans volition go traveling huge distances tomorrow inwards lodge to go amongst their loved ones for Thanksgiving. Back inwards 2015 Google Trends published an animated map showing people traveling across the USA to teach to their Thanksgiving Day dinners. US Thanksgiving on Google Flights uses CartoDB's Torque library to animate domestic as well as international air move on the evening of Thanksgiving booked through Google Flights.
You tin laissez passer the sack utilization the playback command to navigate through the whole of the day's airplane journeys. As the 24-hour interval plays out you lot tin laissez passer the sack run into a clear blueprint of flights starting on the due east coast inwards the early on hours, spreading to the whole country, until the latter hours of the 24-hour interval when flights emanating from the due east of the terra firma buy the farm down, piece flights from the due west coast bear on until the early on hours of Thursday.
The flying markers on the map are colored to stand upward for the dissimilar airlines.